Brian Tran is a serial entrepreneur located here in the SF bay area, owning 8 businesses all doing well over 6-7 figures. With all those milestones, Brian gives a ton of credit for his success to his early investments. Brian bought his first rental property at 21 and continued to build his portfolio to $8,000,000 giving him confidence and financial freedom to build his other businesses. Currently Brian has made it a mission to educate and help as many people as possible to reach financial freedom through rental properties.

Watch Brian's preview session to learn more about him and his program

In this course, you will learn all of my secrets to scaling a $8,000,000 rental property portfolio generating over $40,000/month in passive income. I will teach you everything you need to know to confidently buy any investment property in any market and ultimately buy your very first rental property. After completing the course you will master appreciation, depreciation, and cash flow building wealth, passive income and saving on your taxes every year. Welcome to Rent to Riches.